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Category - Anti HIV Medicines

Color blindness

Anti HIV Medicines

Color blindness Also known as Daltonism, Color vision deficiency, Color vision problem. Overview Color blindness is the difficulty in telling the difference between certain colors or shades. Very rarely color blindness makes a person unable to see any…

Colon cancer

Anti HIV Medicines

Colon cancer Also known as Colorectal cancer, Bowel cancer and CRC Overview Colon cancer is a condition in which there is an uncontrolled growth and multiplication of cells in the colon (large intestine). The colon is the lower…


Anti HIV Medicines

Overview Cholera is an acute diarrheal infection that is caused by ingesting food and water contaminated by bacteria Vibrio cholerae. Signs and symptoms of cholera infection include a rapid onset of massive diarrhea (rice water appearance), dehydration, vomiting,…


Anti HIV Medicines

Overview Chikungunya is a viral disease that spreads to humans through the bites of infected female mosquitos. The most prevalent mosquitoes implicated are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. These two species can also transmit other mosquito-borne diseases, such…


Anti HIV Medicines

Chickenpox Also called as Varicella. Overview Chickenpox is a viral infection caused by the varicella zoster virus (VZV, also known as chickenpox virus). It is an extremely contagious disease which mostly affects kids but can occur in adults…

Cervical cancer

Anti HIV Medicines

Overview Cervix is the lowermost part of the womb (uterus) that lies on top of the vagina. It plays an important role in preventing the ascent of pathogens from the vagina into the uterus and allowing the entry…

Breast cancer

Anti HIV Medicines

Also known as Breast tumor and Breast carcinoma. Overview Any changes in the breast or nipples, lumps in the armpit, pain in the breast or nipples should not be ignored as it could be a symptom/s of breast…

Blood cancer

Anti HIV Medicines

Blood cancer Also known as leukemia Overview Blood cancer, also known as leukemia, is a condition in which there is an uncontrolled growth and multiplication of blood cells in the bone marrow and lymph nodes. Although blood cancer…

Bipolar disorder

Anti HIV Medicines

Also known as Manic-depression, Bipolar affective disorder, and Bipolar illness Overview Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, concentration, and the ability to carry out everyday tasks. These moods can…

Back pain

Anti HIV Medicines

Also Known as Lumbago, Sciatica, Backache, Back trouble, and Slipped disk Overview Back pain is one of the most common pain complaints that almost everyone has had at some point in their lives. This pain is felt in…